Monday, July 19, 2010


One of the most important things to me these days revolves around that word...crazy. Define crazy. I love that.

That word I use a lot, like "Oh you're crazy for spending that much." But do I realize what that REALLY means?

Bring Change 2 Mind along with Glenn Close and Ron Howard are teaming up with NAMI, the National Alliance of Mental Illnesses, to stop this stigma and you know what? I agree.

I pledge to stop using the word crazy. It is insulting and overused. I have been called it, you have been called it whether it be condescending in connotation or joking.

Enough is enough. We the people of mental illness say, no more!

View the video at Bring Change 2 Mind and speak up for yourself, it's worth it.

My part in this journet to de-stigmatize mental illness and for me specifically, clinical depression, is to educate and own my illness. It is to stay away from those unwilling to learn and surrounding myself with loving understanding friends and family. It is to step up and walk for the NAMI Walks and start my teams to pledge money and raise it for NAMI organizations across the country.

Last May my team raised over $100 for NAMI Maryland. This September I am at it again and pledge to walk NAMI Georgia and raise money for them to host classes and workshops for free to those who deserve the help, which is everyone and anyone.

If you'd like more information or to donate to my walk I would be so thankful!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Craft shows

Wow what a week! I've gotten two notifications that my submissions were acccepted into not one but TWO markets happening in the next two months.

Georgia Farm Girls Market: July 24th
Woodstock Outdoor Market: August 6-8th

At these markets I'm also inviting my meetup group: Atlanta Young Crafters, to join me in booth around me to sell their handmade goodies as well.

Also, now you can buy cards DIRECTLY from my webpage. It's so easy a caveman could do it.

Today I am going off to art expressions therapy and then an individual session with the counselor. She just spent a month with the Dalai joke.

Ready for inspiration, yes!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

No longer Sex and the City

Young women these days want more than sex and the city. We grow with each generation because of oppurtunities and leaps in culture and society, thank god. We have EVOLVED! We do not sit around and long for Big or do the reverse and exploit sex and say "I'm in love with myself more than you."

The books I've dived into this summer are Add More -Ing to your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein and Tranquilista by Kimberly Wilson. Even on the back of the first book mentioned it says how this generation of twenty something young women are ready for something better, something new. And I am latching onto that idea like it's my job.

I'm a tranquilista- I am an entreprenuer in sassy heels yet I am down to earth, flexible and gently caring with my practice of yoga and meditation, finding peace and slowing down but ambitious to become even more productive than those around me.

A tranquilista to me, she is tranquil like the name implies but with the kick of is the -ista. The diva side. I am both smart and insightful to my inner needs and harmony among the things around me but am also outspoken and confident, knowing how to get those things I need and now.

How do you think you've evolved as part of this new radical generation change?
It's happening. This is not just some random girl's blog post. Read into it and you'll see, we are changing as a whole culture these days, we want better.

We deserve better.
I am not just Sex and the City anymore I am Love and the World.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Setting up shop- opera singer turned creative tranquilista

It's here!

Now you can shop online for my homemade greeting cards and original art:

Keep checking it for updates, I have over 30 original one of a kind cards as of today and am looking forward to breaking 50 by the end of the week. It takes a little while to get them up on the site so bear with me.

Cards will be $2 and up and shipping will only by 99cents to get to you anywhere in the country so you can personalize and send to a loved one.

Very excited y'all.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The eve of 23 - Artistique!

Leximark is booming and hopefully soon you will see original cards in at least one or two local art stores here in the Atlanta area. To see the complete listings of cards I have now, see my album on Facebook.

Here are some examples! Enjoy!

The insert of the greeting card reads like this:

"Sharing my story to the public will help in the steps to de-stigmatize the general look at the word "depression." The proceeds of the cards go to my treatment costs. I hope that what I've created can bring some warmth to your heart and home with it's brightness and fun shabby chic was. And I hope it brings you a good feeling knowing that you are helping a young woman on her journey for a good cause and hope for herself."

The eve of 23

It has been a good few months since taking time for my blog but I am now going to do this. Since that post, I have been dumped by the guy in that first post because the depression was too hard on him. He told me he could never marry me so there's no point in dating me.

Some of the reasons you may ask?

Because of I have student loans, because I am majoring in opera and that is not a reliable occupational field, we do not have enough similar interests because he does not like opera, because I have depression and might have another episode again in the future and it will affect our children, because I won't be able to buy a house with him within the next five years because of my student loan repayments and most likely lack of jobs.
Obviously, I was devastated.

Feel free to let this bastard know what an awful person he is for abandoning his best friend and girl when she was down on her luck. I try to do it when I remember. Strange that he was holding hands with me at the NAMI walk in that first post, and then a few short months later he was calling me "fucking crazy" and saying the breakup was "your fucking depression's" fault. Yay for destigmatizing mental health illness and care!

Now, on the eve of my 23rd birthday here in Atlanta, Georgia where I travelled to in order to get better and relax the burden of my depression on that certain someone up north, I sit here alone typing, yet not tragically unhappy. Yet, I would say I am not happy entirely.

My kitten Amira Cam, princess of the sun in Arabic, runs around my computer area and the only cuts on my body are from her.

I had an awesome fourth of July. I actually invited people over and was social and really enjoyed myself. Here's to Lauren and David who spent the lovely evening with me decorating a cake and playing with sparklers!

I am reboosting this advice and dialogue area of my blog. Positivity.